RE-BORN goes 10 days Sport Fasting
February 10 2021 – Odette Van der Maat

We exists with RE-BORN SPORTS for 2 years now. During these 2 years we got many new followers, Stacey Seedorf and Li-Ann van Groen were 2 people that intrigued me. They got their own company State of Mind Network and they got a very healthy lifestyle.
I saw many post from them on Instagram and many about Sport Fasting and I was curious what this was about. What is this, how does it work and what does this for your body and mind? As during this COVID pandemic it is clear that good food and work your body is most important.
What is Sport Fasting: Together with your Fittergy Coach you will work out for 10 days to make your metabolism change from sugar burning to fat burning. You'll achieve this through exercising, fasting and the use of special nutritional supplements.
I inspired my sister and her man to join me for these 10 days Sport fasting.
We want to feel REBORN again!
Day 1:
At 8.00 am ready for a 30 minutes run in Amsterdam. Bianca and Richard will go 30 minutes cycling at their home trainer in Haarlem. Breakfast were 2 pieces of fruit and a fresh juice, always together with our pills and powder. After 3 hours I did my test, to check on sugar level in my body and vitamin C. For lunch I had a salad and some nuts as desert and again my pills and powder.
I actually do not have a hungry feeling, but for Bianca it is hard not to take any sweets in between meals, like a cookie. I do not have this, but eating is top of mind. For dinner we had vegetables and rice and nuts and as dessert my pills and the strawberry powder.
Day 2:
Get up and work out! You have to do at least 20 minutes and max 30 minutes cardio workout every day. So today I did HIIT on YouTube in the living room. Breakfast was fruit and for lunch we had vegetables. I feel cold shudders the whole day. I drink a lot of tea and water, so I visit the toilet many times a day. Apparently Richard also has cold shudders. For dinner we had a soup, which was very nice. I am still really cold and go to bed with my socks on and a track pants.
Day 3:
I slept really bad, I was so cold all the time. According to my coach this is all part of the process. She tips me to take a hot bath before I go to bed tonight. Anyway, I put on my running outfit and went outside, the fresh air is so good and running did go really well. Back at home, I made my fresh juice , took my pills and powder and took a shower. After 3 hours, I did my test to see how my status is on sugar in my body and it showed a light pink colour, so fat burning is starting!
For lunch I had fresh orange juice as we only have liquid food this day. I do not have a lot of energy and feel weak. At night I take a soup (tomato juice) and my pills and powder. I fill up the bath and hopefully I sleep well tonight.
Day 4: Fasting day 1
This morning I did my run, which was very hard; my legs feel heavy and I was sweating a lot when I was back home. I had my juice (only 2 sips), my pills and powder. Today I will go to my sister, to fight the fasting days together. I feel like having a jetlag, I am not focussed and feel tired. Together with my sister and her dog we did go for a 45 min walk outside. We were exhausted when we got back home. We had another tea and we were resting at the couch with a book. When Richard came home, we had our dinner juice! All the 3 of us were really tired and we watched tv all night.
Day 5: Fasting day 2
I have made the switch: Ready for burning fat! I slept really good and this morning I did a 30 min cycling for workout. I did feel really weak this day, so did my sister and Richard. When we all did go outside for a walk with the dog on the beach, we were really slow. Our energy level is so low, so we decided to stay in for the rest of the day. At night we all wanted to chew on something, but unfortunately for us we only had another juice, our pills and powder. I was really tired and felt cold again, Richard had the same cold feeling.
Day 6: Last day fasting
Our workout was terrible this morning: I had no energy, my legs felt so heavy and I felt dizzy when you suddenly stand up. We are all looking forward to tomorrow: we can eat again! But today still juices and pills and powder. I am really tired and want to sleep, my energy level is so low, so this was a crappy day. I go to bed early and look forward to my breakfast tomorrow!
Day 7: My workout was not the best this morning, I was dizzy many times and had to pay attention. After the workout I sweat a lot. And there is was: my apple and kiwi! The rest of the day I feel dizzy when I get up. For lunch I got a salad and for dinner broccoli and chicken, this is so good! I am still very tired and not focussed at all.
Day 8:
First breakfast: low fat quark with fruit, but unfortunately my intestines do not like the food. My coach tells me this is normal, my body needs to get used to the food again. My running session before lunch was really good. I still feel tired, but it gets better!
Day 9:
I go to my sister in the morning to do some cycling at her house and we have breakfast together. My workout was great! We all still do not feel top fit, but again this is normal for the process. Tomorrow it will all be better. Once back home at work, I do feel better and a bit more energized compared to yesterday. Dinner was great: spinach with grilled chicken. It feels so good, that I do not feel hungry later at night, as I used to have this before sport fasting.
Day 10: Last day!!
The sun is out; so I am ready for my run outside. I feel great, as my coach predicted. I am more fit and feel the energy.
After 2 weeks; I still sport everyday: one day running and the other day 45 min yoga. I still eat a lot of vegetables, low in carbs and I drink a lot of tea and water. I feel really good and not tired at all during the day. I have lost 4 kilo and Bianca and Richard also lost their target weight.
Despite of the negative period we live in with COVID 19, I totally recommend this 10 days sport fasting to everybody. You do need to plan time for this, but it is very rewarding.
I definitely feel like RE-BORN.
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